Mobile payment SDK
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CAddressAddress data
 CCardTokenTokenized sensitive card data
 CCryptogramEncrypted payment data. Typically used in place of account-number or token-id
 CCustomerDataCustomer data to describe account holder or shipping
 CNotificationElasticEngine has a built-in notification capability. The Merchant simply sends the notifications instructions as part of each transaction request. Notifications need to be specified as a URL. There are two types of notifications: HTTP(S) (Web Server POST) SMTP (Email with URL scheme 'mailto') It is possible to setup conditional notifications based on the state of transaction. For example, a Merchant can instruct a notification to only occur on
 COrderOrder data
 COrderItemOrder item data
 CPaymentPageStyleDefines custom style and texts for elements in payment forms
 CPeriodicDescribes how the recurring transaction is related to previous/following transaction(s)
 CSubMerchantInfoSub Merchant Info
 CWirecardAlipayPaymentDefines AliPay payment method
 CWirecardAndroidPayPaymentDefines Android Pay payment method
 CWirecardCardPaymentDefines Card payment method
 CWirecardExtendedCardPaymentDefines Card payment method. Used with embedded card input form
 CWirecardPaymentBase class of all Payment Methods
 CWirecardPayPalPaymentDefines PayPal payment method
 CWirecardSepaPaymentDefines SEPA payment method
 CCardBrandList of supported card brands
 CWirecardCardFormFragmentContains input fields for card data
 CWirecardClientPayment processing client
 CWirecardClientBuilderPayment processing client builder
 CWirecardEnvironmentList of supported environments
 CWirecardErrorCodeError codes
 CWirecardExceptionThrown when exception occurred
 CWirecardInputFormsStateChangedListenerListens for card input forms state changes from WirecardCardFormFragment
 CWirecardInputFormsStateManagerManages communication between card input forms and WirecardInputFormsStateChangedListener
 CWirecardPaymentResponsePayment response from ElasticEngine. Contains response data from ElasticEngine
 CWirecardPaymentTypeList of supported payment types
 CWirecardPeriodicTypeIndicates how and why a transaction occurs more than once
 CWirecardResponseErrorError object returned by WirecardResponseListener
 CWirecardResponseListenerProvides callback methods which will provide transaction result
 CWirecardSequenceTypeIndicates the sequence of the recurring transaction
 CWirecardTransactionStateList of transaction states
 CWirecardTransactionTypeList of transaction types
 CNSError(WDUtils)Error returned by WDCompletionBlock
 CWDAddressAddress data
 CWDApplePayManagedPaymentDefines ApplePay payment method
 CWDApplePayPaymentDefines ApplePay payment method
 CWDBaseStyleBase class for formulars
 CWDCardNon-sensitive card data
 CWDCardFieldField for collecting card data
 C<WDCardFieldDelegate>This protocol allows a delegate to be notified when a payment text field's contents change
 CWDCardPaymentDefines Card payment method
 CWDCardStyleStyle class for WDCardPayment method
 CWDCardTokenTokenized card data
 CWDClientPayment processing client
 CWDCustomerDataCustomer data to describe account holder or shipping
 CWDNativeStyleBase class for native UI formulars
 CWDNotificationTransaction notification
 CWDOrderOrder data
 CWDOrderItemOrder item data
 CWDPaymentBase class of all Payment Methods
 CWDPaymentResponsePayment response from ElasticEngine
 CWDPayPalPaymentDefines PayPal payment method
 CWDPeriodicDescribes how the recurring transaction is related to previous/following transaction(s)
 CWDSEPAPaymentDefines SEPA payment method
 CWDSEPAStyleStyle class for WDSEPAPayment method
 CWDStyleBase class of all payment methods styles