Mobile payment SDK
<WDCardFieldDelegate> Protocol Reference

This protocol allows a delegate to be notified when a payment text field's contents change. More...

#import <WDCardField.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for <WDCardFieldDelegate>:
+ Collaboration diagram for <WDCardFieldDelegate>:

Public Instance Methods

(void) - cardField:didChangeState:
 Called when either the card number, expiration month/year or security code changes. More...
- Public Instance Methods inherited from <NSObject>
(NSString *) - description
(NSUInteger- hash
(BOOL- isEqual:

Detailed Description

This protocol allows a delegate to be notified when a payment text field's contents change.

It can be used to take further actions depending on the validity of its contents.

Method Documentation

- (void) cardField: (nonnull WDCardField *)  cardField
didChangeState: (WDCardFieldState state 

Called when either the card number, expiration month/year or security code changes.

At this point, one can call WDCardField.valid on the text field to determine, for example, whether or not to enable a button to submit WDCardPayment.

cardFieldthe field that has changed
statethe cardField state