Mobile payment SDK
Package de.wirecard.paymentsdk


package  models


enum  CardBrand
 List of supported card brands. More...
class  RootChecker
class  WirecardCardFormFragment
 Contains input fields for card data. More...
interface  WirecardClient
 Payment processing client. More...
class  WirecardClientBuilder
 Payment processing client builder. More...
class  WirecardClientImpl
enum  WirecardEnvironment
 List of supported environments. More...
class  WirecardErrorCode
 Error codes. More...
class  WirecardException
 Thrown when exception occurred. More...
interface  WirecardInputFormsStateChangedListener
 Listens for card input forms state changes from WirecardCardFormFragment. More...
class  WirecardInputFormsStateManager
 Manages communication between card input forms and WirecardInputFormsStateChangedListener. More...
class  WirecardPaymentResponse
 Payment response from ElasticEngine. Contains response data from ElasticEngine. More...
enum  WirecardPaymentType
 List of supported payment types. More...
enum  WirecardPeriodicType
 Indicates how and why a transaction occurs more than once. More...
class  WirecardResponseError
 Error object returned by WirecardResponseListener. More...
interface  WirecardResponseListener
 Provides callback methods which will provide transaction result. More...
enum  WirecardSequenceType
 Indicates the sequence of the recurring transaction. More...
enum  WirecardTransactionState
 List of transaction states. More...
enum  WirecardTransactionType
 List of transaction types. More...