Mobile payment SDK
WDApplePayPayment Class Reference

Defines ApplePay payment method. More...

#import <WDApplePayPayment.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for WDApplePayPayment:
+ Collaboration diagram for WDApplePayPayment:

Public Instance Methods

(nullable instancetype) - initWithPayment:summaryItems:currency:transactionType:
 Initializes payment object with parameters gathered via PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController. More...
- Public Instance Methods inherited from WDPayment
(nullable WDNotification *) - notificationForState:
 Returns the notification for transaction state. More...
- Public Instance Methods inherited from NSObject
(Class- classForCoder
(id- copy
(void) - dealloc
(void) - finalize
(id- init
(id- mutableCopy
- Public Instance Methods inherited from <NSObject>
(NSString *) - description
(NSUInteger- hash
(BOOL- isEqual:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Class Methods inherited from NSObject
(id+ alloc
(Class+ class
(void) + initialize
(void) + load
(id+ new
- Properties inherited from WDPayment
 Authorize client to process the transaction. More...
 Date when requestSignature was generated. More...
 2nd generation signature. Authorize client to process the transaction. checkPayment works only with this signature. More...
 Unique identifier assigned for every Merchant Account. More...
 Category used by frontend merchant to resolve internal merchant for processing payment. More...
 Unique identifier associated with the transaction, which is created by the merchant. More...
 The only amount that accompanies the transaction when it is created and/or requested. More...
WDCurrency amountCurrency
 Currency in which the transaction is processed. More...
WDTransactionType transactionType
 Determines transaction processing behaviour. More...
 Customer's account information. More...
 Customer's shipping information. More...
 Customer's order information. More...
NSArray< WDNotification * > * notifications
 Notifications configuration. More...
 The IP Address of the Customer as recorded by the entity receiving the Transaction Attempt from the Customer. More...
WDLocale locale
 Defines the user's language and any special variant preferences that the user wants to see in their user interface. More...
 transaction identifier of previous transaction gathered by [WDPaymentResponse transactionIdentifier] More...

Detailed Description

Defines ApplePay payment method.

It is merchant's app responsibility to gather parameters via PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController

Method Documentation

- (nullable instancetype) initWithPayment: (nonnull PKPayment *)  payment
summaryItems: (nonnull NSArray< PKPaymentSummaryItem * > *)  summaryItems
currency: (WDCurrency currency
transactionType: (WDTransactionType transactionType 

Initializes payment object with parameters gathered via PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController.

paymentPKPayment object gathered via PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController
summaryItemssummaryItems gathered via PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController
currencycurrency code. Supported codes: "GBP", ""USD"
transactionTypetransaction type. Supported transaction types: WDTransactionTypeAuthorization, WDTransactionTypeCaptureAuthorization, WDTransactionTypePurchase, WDTransactionTypeReferencedAuthorization, WDTransactionTypeReferencedPurchase, WDTransactionTypeRefundCapture, WDTransactionTypeRefundPurchase, WDTransactionTypeVoidAuthorization
initialized object with payment data

Implemented in WDApplePayManagedPayment.